Fast-acting floor stripper removes multiple layers of buildup and most conventional, metal cross-linked polish. EcoLogo certified floor stripper is specifically designed to remove RMC Enviro Care Floor Finish. Ammonia-free formula does not use harsh alkalies and does not contain MEA, 2BE, APE, Caustic, or EDT. Highly concentrated floor stripper requires no neutralization before applying to your finish. Dilute with cold water. Dilution ratio is 1:8 for light buildup or 1:3 for heavy buildup. Mop on approximately 100 square feet of floor at a time and allow to penetrate for five minutes. Then scrub area with a floor machine equipped with a stripping pad. Pick up the Enviro Care Floor Stripper solution with a wet vacuum or mop bucket and rinse thoroughly. Allow to dry and then apply RMC Enviro Care Novus Floor Finish.