Biologically based treatment eliminates odors from carpets, animal and pet odors, grease traps, drain line maintenance. This drain/grease trap maintainer also digests organic wastes in drains and grease traps. For treating sluggish drains or grease traps, begin with a pint or quart and allow to stand for 30 minutes. Nontoxic, nonalkaline, phosphate-free, noncorrosive formula can also be used for carpet deodorizing. The liquid drain treatment/odor counteractant contains nonpathogenic bacteria (both aerobic and anerobic) to break down and liquefy solids such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates and grease. Recommended for use in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, prisons, apartments, funeral homes, kennels, clinics, industries, recreational vehicles, marinas, septic tanks, sump-pumps, wet wells and porta-toilets, Enviro Care Liqui-Bac remain 100 percent active until their work is done.