Sani-Cloth Bleach Wipes are bactericidal, fungicidal, tuberculocidal and virucidal in 4 minutes on nonporous surfaces and equipment including stainless steel, Formica, plastic and glass. EPA-registered, disposable wipes are effective against E. coli, HIV-1 virus, Influenza A Hong Kong virus, MRSA, Salmonella and TB. Germicidal wipes also meet OSHA''s bloodborne pathogens standard and are compliant with the CDC Guidelines for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities'' recommendation for the use of a 1:10 sodium hypochlorite in high endemic or outbreak situations. Stabilized bleach solution is equivalent to a 1:10 dilution (5700 ppm). Wipes come in a large dispensing canister. Each alcohol-free wipe measures 6" x 10-1/2".
One year shelf-stable formula with expiration date printed on canister