Shell Education The Day the Crayons Quit Instructional Guide Printed Book by Drew Daywalt - Shell Educational Publishing Publication - Book - Grade 3
Shell Educational Publishing Publication - Book - Grade 3
Explore the fun and quirky ways in which the crayons quit with this instructional guide for literature. Students will love analyzing the crayons' struggles and complaints by completing age-appropriate rigorous yet fun activities and lessons. Readers will enjoy figuring out how Duncan convinces his crayons to come back to work. Analyzing story elements in multiple ways text-based vocabulary practice and determining meaning through text-dependent questions are just a few of the many skills students will walk away with after interacting with the cross-curricular lessons and activities. Written to support this playful well-known book each activity and lesson work in conjunction with the text to teach students how to analyze and comprehend literature while using their imagination. Instructional guide is designed for students attending kindergarten to third-grade.