Blockade areas to be stripped. Floors will become very slippery when stripper is applied. Exercise caution.
Gloves goggles and protective footwear is recommended when using this product
Dilute or dispense using cold water
Apply liberal amounts of stripper solution uniformly to floor with mop. Start at edges to provide more soak time. If splashing occurs wipe off surfaces with a clean damp rag.
Let stripper solution soak 10-15 minutes. Mop agitate to loosen finish. Re-wet as necessary. Do not allow solution to dry on floor. Longer soak times may be necessary in cases of extreme buildup.
Hand or machine scrub thoroughly using appropriate stripper pads or stripping brush. Pick up all solution with a clean mop wet vac or automatic scrubber. Mop up any tracks left by wet vacs or scrubbers before they dry.
Thoroughly rinse floor with clean water using a mop and bucket. Let floor dry completely before applying a Diversey Green Seal®-Certified finish or other recommended Diversey brand floor finish or sealer.