ZOLL Plus Learning 1-f Online Subscription - Technology Training Certification

ZOLL Plus Learning 1-f Online Subscription - Technology Training Certification - Minimum of Five Student
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Item: 9935002Z | By: ZOLL
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Great Deals Everyday
  • Covers AED training needs for a ready and compliant program
  • Qualified and proven, professional educators with clinical or emergency medical backgrounds and at least 5 years of experience
  • Works for organizations of all types and sizes
  • Provides access to online training materials, student manuals and certification certificate

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Product description

ZOLL Plus Learning 1-f Online Subscription - Technology Training Certification - Minimum of Five Student
Minimum of Five Student


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Marketing Information

PlusLearning1-f delivers CPR/AED/First Aid training conducted by a certified instructor at a customer site in the United States. Product includes access to online training materials student manuals and certification certificate. It requires a minimum of five students. Training must be scheduled as extension of another class and must be scheduled 30 days in advance. Cancellation fee is required to reschedule within 72 to 24 hours. Cancellation within 24 hours is not allowed.

Training Name
Plus Learning 1-f Online Subscription
License quantity
Minimum of Five Student
License Type
ZOLL Medical Corporation
Product Type
Technology Training
Training Method
Training Method
Training Method
Training Type